Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Drive 45 Minutes and Hang a Right - WW

The men and women of the 352 have relocated to their new digs and training facility. Since you can't find it on a map, I'm not going to say where, exactly, but still uncomfortably close to the Mexican border. Here are just a few photos from the new joint.

Happy Wed-Nes-Day!


  1. Home sweet...........home?

    I'm mostly disturbed by the plastic covering the beds -- although, maybe that's a good thing. i guess I never realized they sleep in SUCH tight quarters, and being close to Mexico is only good when you're also next to the beach with a cold drink in your hand.

  2. Awww.
    Seriously. Close to the Mexican border? Well. If anyone can take care of themselves, it's those soldiers!

  3. I have to say the same thing that caught Amanda's eyes caught mine - the plastic covers on the beds. I am sure it's for sanitation purposes.

    It's cramped but I hope to them it feels sort of cozy, hopefully. Good luck Neal - keep up the hard work it is much appreciated!!!

  4. I also noticed the plastic covers on the beds...which I'm assuming come off? Otherwise, they will be having an awfully crinkly night's sleep. Although, they can wet the bed without any lasting damage, so that's a plus!

  5. You know, "seriously close to the Mexican border" is going to afford you a really cool 4-day getaway, so that's cool.

  6. Why did I not realize they were still in the Americas? My blonde is extra heavy this week!

  7. Pretty spartan quarters, but unfortunately probably much nicer than where they are going. Maybe it's the Army's way of getting them used to worse and worse quarters?

  8. Wow that's quite a facility, but so austere! It needs a woman's touch. ;)

  9. I agree with blueviolet--it definitely needs a woman's touch. Hope he's settling in okay (but jeez, those mattress covers!)


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